Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex

by Karen Sue McKenzie In the Bible Belt, abstinence is ideal, but oftentimes people choose to have sex anyways. In turn, rates of sexual infections in the South continue to rise.     In July 2017 I worked at an ice cream shop. I was scooping a sample of...

Big Ticket Drug: The Cost of Staying Alive

Big Ticket Drug: The Cost of Staying Alive

by Rachel Roberts Sept. 6, 2019 Your body killed your pancreas. Well, at least the part of it that provides insulin beta-cells. Whether because of its dysfunction or because your other organs received mixed signals and mistakenly attacked it, now the important cells...

Doggie Divorce Court

Who gets the dog after the relationship ends?   By Jake Halbert March 29, 2019    Katelyn Gallant pulls into a familiar driveway after a long day of work. Normally, she would be at her own home at this time, but today is Wednesday. This means that it’s...

Let’s Talk About Sex

by Karen Sue McKenzie In the Bible Belt, abstinence is ideal, but oftentimes people choose to have sex anyways. In turn, rates of sexual infections in the South continue to rise.     In July 2017 I worked at an ice cream shop. I was scooping a sample of...

Big Ticket Drug: The Cost of Staying Alive

by Rachel Roberts Sept. 6, 2019 Your body killed your pancreas. Well, at least the part of it that provides insulin beta-cells. Whether because of its dysfunction or because your other organs received mixed signals and mistakenly attacked it, now the important cells...

As Memories Fade

How dementia affects those surrounding the diagnosed. By Katie Serrano

Doggie Divorce Court

Who gets the dog after the relationship ends?   By Jake Halbert March 29, 2019    Katelyn Gallant pulls into a familiar driveway after a long day of work. Normally, she would be at her own home at this time, but today is Wednesday. This means that it’s...

A Fighting Chance

How taking self defense classes is making me a stronger independent woman. By Andrea Johnson

A Female Dialect: Misogyny Catcalls, Here Is Our Response

Attitudes toward sexual harassment have been changing in the U.S., but it’s still a worldwide problem.   By Rachel Roberts Feb. 23, 2019 “Don’t walk alone at night.” It was a piece of advice I was familiar with. One I’ve even accepted, whether in a parking...

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