

Social Media Activism Reduced to Reshares Dec. 6, 2019 By Olivia Boardman Heavily-filtered selfies flooded your feed. You could follow anyone and everyone, from people you didn’t know to celebrities in movies you had never seen. Amateur, grainy photos evolved into...
Samuel of Springdale

Samuel of Springdale

by Beth Dedman   Sept. 27, 2019   SPRINGDALE — “Hey, chief, how much for the gun belt?”   He called everyone chief. Samuel Rivera Lopez looked much different from the rest of the vendors and shoppers at the Rodeo of the Ozarks antique car part show....
Let’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex

by Karen Sue McKenzie In the Bible Belt, abstinence is ideal, but oftentimes people choose to have sex anyways. In turn, rates of sexual infections in the South continue to rise.     In July 2017 I worked at an ice cream shop. I was scooping a sample of...